Featured show for Spring 2022

Toby worked directly with Micheal Josephson (founder of CHARACTER COUNTS!) in developing an educational character show.
Hex Yourself is written and produced to echo the teachings of the 6 Pillars of Good Character. It is also compatible with most other character curricula.

See the magic of your students
showing their character

Toby will help kids internalize all six (hexa-) character pillars. When kids understand how easy and important it is to show their character traits, they will be better characters.
Perpetually positive examples backed by original music, unique magic, student participation, and lots of comedy will help communicate that our character is what we are and how we act.
This program reinforces character education from a different perspective, striving to reach every participant with the importance of their personal character growth.

In this show, Toby demonstrates how building and living good charact impacts our lives and those around us every day.
Toby's magical abilities come to light as he introduces himself. His weirdness exposed with the help of a new friend, KID introduces his wizardly character.
One volunteer experiences every growing hilarity with magical amazement. Another participant is bestowed with temporary wizarding skills, taking center stage to perform magical marvels. A student grows rich with character as they share who they are on the inside.
All this magical marvel emphasizes and expresses the impact of each kid's daily character display.

More than 300 presentations
Selected Favorite Program Wyoming Libraries
voted Preferred Program Nassau County Librarians
Children's Choice Chicago KIDS
Don't Miss This Family Event Award MetroFamily Magazine Oklahoma City 5
5 Gold STARS FairFestivalInc.